Highest Academic Degree: Ph.D. in Computer Science and Information Engineering from National Chiao Tung University
Distinguished Professor, The Department of Computer Science and Engineering , National Chung Hsing University
Division Leader of Patent and Technology Transfer, Academia-Industry Collaboration Center
+886-4-22840884 ext. 303
1. Handling related operations such as patent application, oral defense, license and certificate application, and maintenance.
2. Applications for patent subsidy granted by the Ministry of Science and Technology.
3. Login of the STRIKE system of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
4. Patent Management System Maintenance.
5. Patent Engineering Intern Training Course.
6. Consultation on patent related regulations.
7. Assisting in the processing of relevant statistical data.
8. Other assignments.
Tel: +886-04-22851811 / 04-22859477 / 04-22859197 Ext. 19
Fax: +886-04-2285-1672
1. Handling related operations such as patent application, oral defense, license and certificate application, and maintenance.
2. Applications for patent subsidy granted by the Ministry of Science and Technology.
3. Login of the STRIKE system of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
4. Patent Engineering Intern Training Course.
5. Consultation on patent related regulations.
6. Collection of patent-related statistics.
7. Other assignments.
Tel: +886-04-22851811 / 04-22859477 / 04-22859197 Ext. 17
Fax: +886-04-2285-1672
1. Handling technical/material/assignment and other technical transfer related business and contract drafting.
2. Revision of relevant laws and regulations on technology transfer.
3. Announcement of supplier selection for technology transfer.
4. Handling technical pricing meetings and supplier selection meetings.
5. Compilation of technical manuals on research and development results.
6. Handling intellectual property promotion events or exhibitions
7. Assisting in the relevant administrative business of the group.
8. Update and maintenance of information on web page.
9. Other assignments.
Tel: 04-22851811 / 04-22859477 / 04-22859197 Ext. 21
Fax: 04-2285-1672
1. Handling technical/material/assignment and other technical transfer related business and contract drafting.
2. Revision of relevant laws and regulations on technology transfer.
3. Announcement of supplier selection for technology transfer.
4. Handling technical pricing meetings and supplier selection meetings.
5. Compilation of technical manuals on research and development results.
6. Handling intellectual property promotion events or exhibitions
7. Assisting in the relevant administrative business of the group.
8. Update and maintenance of information on web page.
9. Other assignments.
Tel: +886-04-22840558 Extension: 20
Fax: +886-04-2285-1672